Top 5 Reasons Not to Trust C|Net Reviews

I just saw C|Nets “Top 5 Reasons not to Buy Vista”.

This seems to be yet another clueless drone talking head with really no credibility.


So, why don’t I trust C|Net reviews?

1. They are unabashedly anti-Microsoft

2. Their reviewers have no technical skills

3. They want to increase hits and their content is editorially slanted to achieve this

4. They are unabashedly anti-Microsoft

5. Do you really want to base your purchases on someone who only gives good reviews to advertisers products?

One thought on “Top 5 Reasons Not to Trust C|Net Reviews

  1. Hi all who are reading this blog!
    I often find that the way a lot of people are going over Microsoft’s offerings is as though "Microsoft = McDonalds". This means they see Microsoft as the McDonalds of software, treading on "protected" interests.
    In my country (Australia) during the late ’90s, there was a "huge stink" about McDonalds setting up one of their family restaurants at the Royal Childrens Hospital in Melbourne. The big fear is that they could end up involved with "in house catering" for the hospital. We ended up with a requirement that they couldn’t show the Golden Arches logo outside the hospital and I just found that the reaction really was so "over the top"
    I often wonder who is behind the "anti-Microsoft" venom that has been going on all this time. Who is it who is courting the IT press to show hatred towards Mocrosoft?
    With regards,
    Simon Mackay

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