High Fashion Accessories for Fitbit Flex

I’ve loved my Fitbit Flex since the day it launched. I ordered and use the wristband pack and the pink band, but when all is said and done, these bands aren’t aesthetically what I’d call jewelry and they don’t blend nicely with the other accessories I wear. And to be honest, the bands look out of place on an evening out.
Today Fitbit and Tory Burch announced that accessories are coming that should solve my “I’m all dressed up but this fitness band looks out of place” issues. I can’t wait.
You can sign up to be notified when the accessories are available.
Fitbit has, in my opinion, the best of all worlds in its Flex tracker. Fitbit has released a Windows 8.1 Store App (which none of the other fitness tracker companies have yet done) and the company stands behind their excellent product with great support. The coming availability of these fashion enclosures gives them a leg up on the competition.